Saturday, August 4, 2007

my first blog...

well dn't know much about blogging bt i guess its bout expressing ur self, letting the world know u!ur thoughts..ur experiences..ur believes, knowledge n all that u possibly cn give. for me, i came help people.
yes indeed!! .. i read somewhere that "thoughts" are the most powerful tools. tools that cn help you carve a life of fulfillment, life of more than jst living..a life of experiencing richness in every walk of life. i believe every one has a set of experiences..some of us track each event n mark things frm it with an observant eye...while others jst let thngs pass by unnoticed.. im of the former cult! i like keenly observing thngs around me..observing life..its various facets, emotions, logics et al. from all these observations i manage to draw some conclusions, decipher the hidden messages for me, for every one else, and today vn the whole word is shifting to a virtual base i thought to follow the suit...i have realized there are many dimensions of looking at a particular thing or phenomenon, so expressing one idea here may enlighten the other dimensions to me. which in turn may trigger off a new way of thinking indeed an important thing to susceed in life..coz some one told me if cnnot walk with a person who disagrees wid you, u won't learn any thing new!
most of my blogs would be dealing with philosophy, physcology of human mind and my daily observations..well thses are the things which i find more than enchanting n intriguing n worth pondering over..
may be my thoughts can make a difference to this world, peace, love for humans n all the good stuff which the beauty pagant winners say in their speeches may finally come true!..... i dn't expect miracles to happen lk this i cn spot the faint existence of a positive change. even if one of these blogs help a person spiritually mentally or otherwise as a jejune literary work (bringing a smile of being smater than i m)..ill b more than will help u in some way! plz read the further blogs n do post ur comments


Unknown said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA....!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

man....wat a blog..!!!! seriously shows ur zeal to help people....n u can certainly do it....keep dis spirit high...coz sahi me to bahot dum hai...!!!!!

ankushi.DeV!lL said...

okk.... the blog is GOOD. i must say.... u can teach humanity wid a diff. approach.. u c Ghandhiji fused wid Bertrand Russell. guuuuuud keep it up.... ppl need a new set of ideas in this world, whr most of dem r mushrooming thoughts on "vanity no apology"